Ciri-ciri Guru profesional

Berikutnya adalah level profesional seorang guru berdasarkan kriteria yang telah ditetapkan yaitu:
a) Young Teacher;
(1) Enthusiasm, (2) Creativity, (3) Energy, (4) Knowledge of current thinking, 5) Idealism; (a) approachability, (b) openness, (c) optimism, (d) willingness to learn, (6) mentors, (7) Experience, (8) Understanding breadth of role, (9) Lesson-planning skills, (10) skills for working with parents, (11) a life outside of school, and (12) to learn how to say, “No.”
b) Mid-career Teachers;(1) honesty, (2) experience, (3) expertise, (4) confidence, (5) responsibility, (6) loyalty, (7) bridge between old & new continuity, (8) stability, (9) role-modeling, and (10) ability to take on new assignments.
c) Senior Teachers; (1) wisdom (students, families, school), (2) stability (psychological, personal, emotional), (3) sense of tradition, (4) advisor, (5) link to outside community, (6) training to meet challenges of changing world, (7) understanding/wisdom, and (8) relief.
Beberapa petunjuk untuk menjadi guru profesional
a. Mission-based: professional development the vehicle for implementing school mission.
b. Delivery systems need to be multi-layered: the virtual meets the actual: follow-ups systems for conferences
to include online courses, reunions and listserves.
c. Train the trainer models: export and localize the knowledge.
d. Partnerships: among schools with similar needs, with public programs, for-profits, other sources of different
educational venues. Public/private options and funding.
e. Professional development for school administrators: vitally important, especially in the area of governance, team-building, systems thingking, conflict mediation.
f. Professional development for teachers: focus on assuming more leadership skills: EQ skills (empathy and
social judgement); adult psychology skills (defusing volatile adult situations); coalition-building skills (to lead
change); technology skills (to communicate and to costumize teaching and learning).
Standar Guru Profesional
a. deep content knowledge with varied instructional strategies;
the creation of a productive learning environment;
c. the use of assorted assessments;
d. the understanding of human growth;
e. the ability to work with diverse learners;
f. strong communication skills;
g. instructional planning; and
h. the ability to create strong partnerships with parents, colleges, and the community.
Program Guru Profesional
a. is driven by analysis of the differences between goals and standards for student learning and student performance;
B) is part of a comprehensive change process;
C) is school based and integrated with school operations;
D) involves teachers in defining their needs and developing opportunities for professional development;
E) meets individual teachers’ needs but is primarily collaborative;
F) provides opportunities for teachers to develop a theoretical understanding of the knowledge and skills learned;
G) is continuous and ongoing, with follow-up and support for further learning; and
H) incorporates an evaluation of the effect on teaching practice and student outcomes.
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